Steam spyparty
Steam spyparty

It's a pretty good game already, although maybe I'm a bit biased. The top players have thousands of hours in the game and tens of thousands of games played, it has been invited to e-sports events like EVO, it has long lines waiting to play at shows like the Penny Arcade Expo, and it was the secret final game of the PAX Omegathon a few years back. Qualitatively, SpyParty has been playable at a highly competitive level for years. There's an active online community of experienced players that love helping new players learn, and there's a brand new tutorial to ease players into learning SpyParty because it's such a different game design. There is a very advanced spectation and replay system, so players can both spectate matches in progress, or look at replays of previous matches, and even play Sniper against the game they're spectating/replaying for added challenge while watching a match. The games last about 3 minutes each, and people tend to play 10 or 20 games in a match.

steam spyparty

Players connect through a lobby and play a match usually consisting of multiple games, alternating playing Spy and Sniper each game. “The current version of SpyParty is a two-player online experience. I'd also like to do single player modes and experiment with other multiplayer modes, but those are riskier and will have to wait until I get the 1v1 mode perfect, so I don't know if they'll make 1.0 or if they'll be later experiments and updates, but I have a lot of plans!” “The goal for the 1.0 release is even better graphics, even more maps and missions, and even deeper competitive game mechanics. You're invited to come along for the next part of this ride!” I'm a perfectionist, and hopefully you can see the trendline from how the game started with the original prototype art (you can catch a glimpse of some if you look for the waiter or bartender in the screenshots above) to where it is now. “I am very bad at estimating dates, but I think it will be in Early Access about two years. There have been hundreds of thousands of games played, countless tournaments, leagues, and ladders, too many gaming convention booths, and now it's finally time to broaden that testing to involve the Steam community!” The game has been in beta for a looooong time and has evolved a lot since it was first revealed years ago.

  • Fingerprint Ambassador: In this map, Pub, Aquarium, and Terrace, the spy can force the ambassador to provide a fingerprint opportunity by selecting them as the delegate for a purloin.“I want SpyParty to be an incredibly deep competitive experience about subtle human behavior (and not getting shot), and to do that, I need players exploring the depths of the game design.
  • Getting a drink requires a partygoer to go to Toby at the bar instead of him coming to them.
  • Purloin Guest List: This map uses the bartender mechanic instead of the waiter one.
  • Transfer Microfilm: The red bookcase is at right angles to the other two, making it not easily visible from the same angles.
  • It is one of the maps (alongside Pub, Terrace, and Aquarium) to be released that has Toby in a bartender role.

    steam spyparty steam spyparty

    It is a modification of the now-defunct Modern map. Moderne is a SpyParty map that became available at the game's Steam early access release.

    Steam spyparty